Teaching Entrepreneurship for Sustainability (TES)

The project Teaching Entrepreneurship for Sustainability (TES) aims at implementing sustainability in entrepreneurship education. It is an ERASMUS+ Strategic partnership project involving Uppsala University, University of Groningen and Nord University.

Teaching Entrepreneurship for Sustainability (TES)

The project duration is 2020-09-01 to 2023-08-31, and within this framework the project aims to:

  • Create a better understanding of ways and dimensions in which sustainability and entrepreneurship are compatible 
  • Contribute to the quality of teaching in sustainability and entrepreneurship education
  • Develop a working approach that students can adopt in order to achieve sustainable results in a highly uncertain and changing environment

The project is organized into three work packages:

Work Package One

In work package one, the focus has been on gaining a thorough understanding of currently available approaches to teaching sustainability in entrepreneurship education.  The intellectual output from this work is a report outlining state-of-the-art methods for sustainable entrepreneurship education. This will provide the required knowledge base for developing a module that teaches sustainable entrepreneurship in an integrated way.

Work Package Two

With the knowledge base created in work package one and the views and feedback of experts and stakeholders collected through workshop activities and multiplier events, the new teaching module for higher education will be developed.

Work Package Three

This work package aims to provide a guideline for how to train further trainers. To successfully implement the module, the teachers active in the relevant programmes and courses of the partner universities will be trained in the course content.