
The TES project is a collaboration between three universities in the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. 


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Uppsala university has many educational settings regarding entrepreneurship, with over ten years of experience in this kind of education. It also has a long experience of sustainability education, both at the campuses in Uppsala, and now, first and foremost at campus Gotland. At this campus, programmes like sustainable management, sustainable heritage, sustainable destination development, windpower and energy transition are given. In addition, SWEDESD, an institute dealing solely with education for sustainable development, is located at campus Gotland. It does not offer programmes or courses on its own but is a support structure for developing existing courses and programmes to integrate sustainability.

Uppsala University

·       Ulrika Persson-Fischier (expert)

·       Göran Lindström (expert)
·       Shuangqi (Olivia) Liu (research assistent)
·       Iida Pyykkö  (research assistent) 

·       Marta Cocos (project manager)

·       Shepherd Urenje (expert)


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Campus Fryslan is strongly oriented to developing undergraduate and graduate programmes that contribute to the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals. The curriculum of the MSc programme Sustainable Entrepreneurship is aimed at teaching students current theories and models of sustainability across the design, implementation, and assessment of sustainable entrepreneurship, at individual (leadership and values), organisational, and systems levels. This includes facilitating the development of a personal value system with respect to sustainable entrepreneurship in addition to an academic research foundation and the gaining of leadership and entrepreneurship skills and competencies. As such, the staff has experience in developing and teaching this new and innovative programme and can provide valuable insights into current challenges and gaps in the integration of sustainability and entrepreneurship education.

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

·       Emma Folmer (expert)

·       Thomas Long (expert)

·       Dana Schadenberg (research assistant)


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Nord University Business School, including its division on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, is Norway’s leading institution of entrepreneurship research and teaches entrepreneurship at bachelor’s, master’s and PhD levels. The Business School is part of Engage, a Norwegian centre for excellence in entrepreneurship education, where integrating sustainability into entrepreneurship education is a future priority. Hence, the Business School holds extensive internal entrepreneurship teaching competence, as well as access to the most prominent entrepreneurship teaching network in Norway.

Nord University
·       Siri Jakobsen (expert)

·       Jenny Sofie Kjemphei Larsen (expert)

·       Elli Verhulst (expert)