
Stay up-to-date on the exciting progress of the TES Project!

TES workshop in Uppsala

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In Uppsala, April 25 the TES project held a multiplier event. It was a three hour workshop in a hybrid format. 


The theme of the workshop was Teaching sustainability to entrepreneurship students.  

The event presented the results from all three intellectula utputs of the project. 

 Participants were from Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, U.K. and Ireland.


The workshop had three parts:

Setting the scene

Creating a teaching module

What we learnt


Each part was introduced with a presentation from a project partner, followed by a discussion with both project partners and stakeholders. Stakeholders experiences, input and views on how they can use the results of the project in their own organizations were emphasized.

Successfull meeting in Mo i Rana

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We are back from a 3-day meeting during which TES participants worked on developing a Train-the-trainer guide for Teaching Entrepreneurship for Sustainability (Intellectual Output 3). Thank you to all the participants for great discussions, and to Senter for Industriell Forretningsutvikling ved Nord Universitet (SIF) at NORD University for hosting us so well!

August 2022: Welcome back from the summer vacation!

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Welcome back from the summer vacations! TES project participants are already back on track with the project activities, and we are soon meeting in Mo i Rana in Norway. Between the 29-31 of August we will participate in the 3rd Thansnatioal project meting and in the 2nd Short-term staff traingn event. Stay tuned!

June 2022: Conference presentation

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We are proud to note that TES-project members together with colleagues from Nord University and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) are giving a presentation on some of the TES-project outcomes at the ITS21 (Interdisciplinary teamwork skills for the 21st century) conference in Trondheim, Norway, on June 16. The full ITS21 conference program is found here.

March 2022: TES Workshop

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On 28 March, Uppsala and Groningen are co-organizing a workshop on sustainable entrepreneurship education, featuring a panel of experts from Founded in Friesland, Circular Friesland and the University of Groningen Centre for Entrepreneurship (UGCE). Attendants (students, stakeholders and experts) will discuss the project's findings in relation to wider education and training in the context of the sustainability transition, including the project's literature report and the teaching module in the making.

Dec. 2021: Module in the making

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In snowy Visby, Sweden, the TES project partners met on 8-10 December 2021 to develop the new teaching module in entrepreneurship for sustainability. The teaching module will be presented to relevant stakeholders, educators and the public in the spring of 2022.

Nov. 2021: Project meeting coming up

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On 8-10 December 2021, the TES project partners will meet at Uppsala University's Campus Gotland to develop the new teaching module in entrepreneurship for sustainability.

Nov. 2021: First multiplier event

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The first multiplier event of the TES project took place online on 5 November 2021, organized by the University of Groningen partners, at which they presented the first major intellectual output of the project, a systematic overview of literature on sustainable entrepreneurship education.

June 2021: Preliminary results

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In June 2021, the University of Groningen partners organized the first transnational meeting within the TES project. We discussed the preliminary results from their study, aiming to map and systematize current practices in teaching sustainability in entrepreneurship education (the first intellectual output of the project). 

Jan. 2021: First meeting

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The first meeting took place at the end of January 2021. 

The kick-off was held on  January 21, 2021, on Zoom. All three university representatives were present.

The first meeting discussed:

  • Presentations of TES Project
  • Presentations by each partner university
  • Budget & reporting

Sept. 2020: Project launched

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The TES project started on the 5th of September 2020. It will last for 3 years, ending on the 31st August 2023.